Rīga, Skola iela 21 - 511

A letter to a friend. Michael's help from a distance.

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Healing sessions from Mikhail Moshenkov at a distance. For free.

Healing with the energy of Life


Fate gave me the opportunity to help people at any time, under any circumstances, including from a distance. I am very grateful to God for this great honor! During long-distance sessions, which I regularly do for all people on Earth since 2002, through the Universal Energy and the Higher Intelligence of the Universe, I send people my Energy, Love and Compassion and what is called Reiki - the Spiritual energy of the Universe.

   Everything that ultimately can lead to the healing of your Mind and Body gives a flow of Life Energy, thanks to which the whole world exists, and you and I too. During the session, I connect all of us together - this is my main task. The human body and consciousness receive an additional energy resource and begin the process of self-healing. Perhaps this looks unusual for you, since there are no pills and no personal meeting. Read the “Letter to a Friend” carefully and you will get all the answers. If you need help, just call me for help. 


  • Hello, my dear Friend, my name is Mikhail. Yes, exactly a Friend, although perhaps we may not even know each other, but in our Souls, we are all the same. In Souls where there is no place for anger, anxiety, fear, condemnation, confusion and passivity, in Souls where only Love, Mercy and Compassion live for everything in the World.

    Thank you, Friend, for your unconditional trust, trust, first of all, in yourself and your own, limitless possibilities for self-healing. Most of all, I don’t want, my Friend, for you to perceive everything that is happening as some kind of incomprehensible mysticism or magic. What underlies this practice shows, upon careful consideration of an unbiased mind, that the basis of what happens during a session is the natural Laws of the universe. Thanks to these Laws, we feel each other, we feel ourselves, our body, our breath, the whole world around us, which we see, hear, feel and can inhale its smell. As in any space known to us, a person’s body and mind can also become “upset” in some part of themselves.


  • Everything that happens during my Session for you is the Realization of your and my Intention to adjust the “disordered” systems of your Body and Soul into Harmony and return the state of Love. I want to repeat these words to you once again - “Your intention.” Everything that you have achieved in this life on the Path of Love is the realization of your intentions, your Faith and Gratitude for yourself and people, as components of the Great Divine Plan of the Universe. I’m just helping you realize it and believe it, as best I can and know how. Perhaps someday you will help me too, and it is natural and normal for people to help and support each other.
  • Every year humanity learns more and more about how this wonderful world, earth, man, the Universe works. And we see that there is an amazing harmonious pattern in this world, and that the smallest particle of this world knows: it is part of “everything”. My task during the session is to remind you, my Friend, of this. You are not alone! The entire Divine World is ready to support your beauty of Earthly Unique Life!
  • You can live as you please, the Universe supports ANY of your Choices. Therefore, remember that you yourself choose how to live, what to think and what to get as a result. Let your Divine Soul and your Organism find out what you really want now... And “He” will know what needs to be done for you. The world is woven from our desires! The world reacts to what is happening! The law of cause and effect works! We reap the fruits of our life, together with all of Humanity, and only we can change the World around us.
  • There is a World of people interacting with each other, there is a World of Nature that interacts with Humanity, we are all interconnected, we feel and INFLUENCE each other. Look at the world around you and take some of the responsibility upon yourself. Responsibility for your own Life. Responsibility filled with Love! Do you know this Feeling, Love? If not, I assure you, no matter who you are, you know this, sometimes you just NEED TO REMEMBER. Love does not depend on life circumstances. She just is. It is important, very important to learn to live in love. Keep in mind that the Universe, where you come from, hears you and believes you, absolutely literally, believes you! Be aware! Everything you really want will definitely come true!


  • If you want to accept my help, choose one of the options available to you:

    • PREVENTIVE FREE RECOVERY HEALTH SESSIONS can be received every Friday at 22.00 local time current time in your time zone). 
    • You will receive a remote session that will help solve your problems. If you cannot take a session exactly at 22.00, then you can take a session later, but it is better and more effective at the specified time. Don’t forget to think about what you DEdicate this session to, where you want to direct the flow of energy resources and what you WANT to get as a result. Believe in yourself!
    • Special sessions with a precisely agreed upon purpose. This type of sessions, with a high degree of implementation, will be held on Mondays at 22.00 ONLY FOR those people who have agreed on the purpose of the session personally with Mikhail, decided on their number, and for their part made their energetic contribution (3 euros - 1 session) to maintaining development society "Gaismas skola" by paying for the session to the company's bank account. Strictly and accurately, at the agreed time, receives sessions and monitors their implementation. For information please call +37120006247.
    • “SOS” - SESSIONS OF URGENT AND EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE, in case of a threat to life and health.  God has given me the ability to provide immediate assistance to people in crisis, even without a message asking for help. If you feel bad or something happens, just think about me and ask for help. Help will come to you immediately!
      Of course, this ability to help urgently is not my merit and my special work; it happens outside of my consciousness and my knowledge of what is happening, on the Divine level. Many examples show that this works, and I am ready to share this in the case of SOS. When a person asks for help, I feel it energetically and physically, I just don’t know who is asking for it or what happened. If possible, try to report the incident, for example by phone. And when everything is in order, report this case to me, too, in any available way. This is important and correct.

    Session time.  So, it's time for the session. Before the start of the session, about 15–20 minutes, make yourself more comfortable, preferably right in your bed, where you will sleep, and try to calm down as much as possible, breathe calmly and naturally. Try to feel your body. Just think about your legs, arms, head, whole body with respect, observe your sensations for a few minutes. Believe me, your body will thank you for your attention. Then, think about me and ask for a session, in your own words, the way you would tell me if I were next to you in the physical body.  The session will begin immediately, in a few seconds, you will feel a flow of energy. Just accept the session and enjoy your changes. Be positive and kind to yourself in your thoughts about your future. Notice your changes and enjoy them)

 Feel.  You can feel some sensations in your body, sometimes it feels as if someone is healing you with an invisible hand or something similar, but mostly people feel a pleasant and soothing warmth of vital energy. Don't be surprised if you fall asleep very quickly - this is normal.

  • The session continues for each person absolutely individually. Some feel the flow of energy from several minutes to an hour, others continuously, even for several days. Each of us solves the problem of healing ourselves and in our own way. Don't complicate anything, just watch your self-healing process daily!  Observe with gratitude to yourself!

I think you understand everything. I wish you, my Friend, that your Goals are simple and clear, that they concern only you and only your personal relationships with anyone, including your own body.

It is important that you set only pure, bright, loving goals that help you and the people around you, live better, calmer, live in love, peace and harmony. Set simple, understandable goals aimed at further spiritual development and strengthening the health of your body and psyche.

It is best to go towards the health of Soul and Body calmly, step by step. As a result of receiving sessions, many situations will arise in your life that will support you on your path to self-healing.

Remember: self-love is a reflection of your true love for the World, and that, truly, only that person can feel healed if Love, Goodness, Power of Spirit and Divine Light simply live in his heart, every day.

I wish you to see the Beauty and boundless Love of the Creator! If you change, the whole World and our Earth will change!

With love, hope and faith in you, your Earthly and Universal Friend,
Mikhail Moshenkov


Info phone nr (+371) 20006245